Once considered a rarity, reserved only for the rich and famous, prenuptial agreements have become increasingly popular in recent years among couples of all ages and income levels. Prenuptial agreements allow couples entering into marriage to clearly establish the assets and debts held by each party at the time of the marriage and decide how the division of assets and debts will be handled in the event of divorce or death. 

Prenuptial agreements are a form of contract that allows the parties to personalize their agreement to reflect their specific intentions. A prenuptial agreement can be drafted to address issues beyond the protection of property owned by the parties at the time of marriage. Based on the needs and the wishes of the parties, prenuptial agreements can address characterization of property and debt acquired after the date of marriage, potential maintenance obligations in the event of divorce, and rights to property in the event of death. 

If you are contemplating marriage, contact one of the experienced family law attorneys at Durrett & Kersting, PLLC today to discuss the best ways to protect yourself and your future spouse. The attorneys at Durrett & Kersting, PLLC can also assist clients by reviewing a prenuptial agreement drafted by their future spouse.   

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